Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Can I live on $2 a day?

There's days that I whinge and complain a lot about not having enough. I want to buy new clothes but I can't afford them. I want to buy expensive cheese, but I have to get the tasteless home-brand stuff. I want to drive down the coast for the day, but have to wait a couple of days until I can afford to put petrol in my car.

At these times I feel like I've got it so bad. Why can I not just have a little bit more to make my life easier? It's just not fair.

Well, no actually, it isn't fair. It isn't fair at all and I'll tell you why.

  • If you are lucky enough to earn $50,000 a year you are in the top 3% of world wealth.
  • If earn $20,000 a year (basic starting wage) you are in the top 13% of world wealth.
  • Even if you are on Newstart and only earn $13,000 a year you are in the top 19%.
  • 1.3 billion people live in extreme poverty and survive on the equivalent of $2 a day

If we were to live in a fair world a lot of the luck that we have would be spread a little more thinly. We are lucky we have so much.

So I feel it's important to spend some time doing our part for people who have no choice in where they live or what luck they've been dealt. The Hungry Babushka directed my attention to the Live Below the Line challenge that is coming up in a couple of weeks (6-10 May). The goal is to live on $2 a day for 5 days and experience what is like to survive on the extreme poverty line.

What can you do to help support Live Below the Line?

1. You can sign up and try to live for $2 a day yourself 

2. Or you can donate here to help the Oaktree Foundation raise money for those living in extreme poverty.

Let's all be grateful for what we have and spend some time thinking about others who aren't as lucky as we are in Australia.


Debbie x

If you do sign up share the links to your page below so we can support each other going forward.

I'll be posting thoughout the week my trials and successes.

1 comment:

  1. I think its crazy that only 3% of the worlds 7 billion strong population make above 50K. That is insane when you really think about it. And it makes me even more grateful that I can include myself in that list. This is one reason I am signing up to join you and the hungry babushka in this challenge next week. I think more of the "wealthy" people should really give something like this a go, just to see how tough some people really have it. It might also lessen the amount of FWPs that seem to plague the media/social media/ people of Australia! :)
